What Is A Titer Test?

Shockingly, many pet owners have no idea! A titer test (pronounced tight-errr) is a laboratory or in-house veterinary test measuring the existence and level of antibodies (necessary to fight off disease) in your pet’s blood. Basically, it’s a test that
Read MoreT’is The Season For Your Dog To Dig

Persuade your dog to stay out of the mud holes … Provide a healthy outlet for digging dogs by filling a plastic swimming pool with sand and burying toys in it 🙂
Read MoreA Dog’s Noseprint Is As Unique As A Fingerprint!

A dog’s paw print may look pretty generic but their nose print is actually as unique as a human fingerprint. Their combination of ridges and creases is so distinct it can actually be used to identify them.
Read MoreKefir: A Probiotic Powerhouse!

Kefir like yogurt helps gives our bodies the much needed good types of bacteria. However did you know that one tablespoon of Kefir has an average of 5 billion beneficial bacteria? It is excellent for the immune system, is a natural
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